Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week One, Year Zero

The following is a special message for LIS5937SMS13 class. This message will self destruct in one minute.

Hey class!
This is the first time I've started a blog. I did have a LiveJournal back in the early 00's. What weird, angsty teenager didn't have one back then? That was really more of a dairy. I'm excited for this new outlet though!
I've kept up with a few guitar and music related blogs in the past. I like hearing what the big guitar companies are doing. The music blogs are great because they are a gold mine for finding very obscure music and the people who create them are usually experts in the genre.

The stuff I like about blogs is the ease of customization. I like making my webspace personal. Plus I can post from my phone! What I don't like about blogs are their lifespan. Some blogs die out way too soon.

Well that's it for now dudes and dudettes!

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